Somerville Planning Board Public Hearing

Rafi Properties LLC proposes to develop a 3-story LEED Gold commercial building in the Mid-Rise 3 (MR3) zoning district which requires Site Plan Approval and one (1) Special Permit.

On January 6, 2022 the Planning Board held a public hearing advertised in accordance with M.G.L. 40A and the Somerville Zoning Ordinance. Present and sitting were Planning Board members Chair Michael Capuano, Vice-Chair Amelia Aboff, Clerk Rob Buchanan, Jahan Habib, Erin Geno, and alternates Russell Plides and Debbie Howitt Easton. 

Rafi provided a presentation on the proposed commercial building, after which the Board asked questions regarding the proposed parking and whether any proposed tenants have been selected. After dialogue between the Board and Rafi (the Applicant) regarding the above inquires, the Chair opened up public testimony. 

Many members of the public thanked the developer for incorporating mitigation  elements into the building design to help alleviate concerns raised by neighbors at previous meetings. Discussion topics between the Board and the Applicant included signage plans, privacy concern mitigation, shadow studies, and proposed ground story retail uses. More here.

Click for 599 Somerville Avenue Planning Board presentation.


Somerville Planning Board - Follow Up


Neighborhood Meeting #2